A tooth extraction is not an experience that is enjoyable. This is regardless of the tooth removed. Majority of people get confused on the foods they should eat after a tooth extraction. This website provides you with options of different to consider.
It is normal to feel nauseated immediately after surgery because of the anesthesia. It is normal for many people not to have appetite for a few days. The kind of procedure or surgery you undergo will determine the after effects. Sponges are usually placed on the area where the truth has been extracted. You can remove the sponges after about an hour which means you are ready now to eat. It is advisable for you to avoid hot drinks and foods within the first 24 hours. Avoid using straws when taking any liquids so as not to interfere with the process of healing.
Greek yogurt is a meal that is ideal immediately after tooth extraction. It is soft and has probiotics. It contains plenty of proteins. Tooth extraction is considered to be surgery even if it is a minor procedure. Probiotics help in balancing the system especially when taking pain medication and antibiotics after the surgery.
Avocado is a soft food that cannot cause any irritation on the incision. It has a creamy texture and is rich in flavor. You can eat it alone with a spoon or even consider pairing it with mashed banana or a Greek yogurt. Avocados do not contain bad fats and are low in sodium and cholesterol. Bananas are also great food choices after undergoing a dental procedure. Mash it and eat it or mix with Greek yogurt. Bananas make tasty smoothies and milkshakes. You can also add it to your milk. Bananas are great for digestion and energy.
Broth is another meal considered to be good after tooth extraction. It should be all liquid to avoid food particles sticking in the incision area. You can choose to alternate between beef, chicken and vegetable broth. Bone broth is the most healthy option. Smoothies are the best after undergoing surgery. Select fruits with no seeds. Instead, use mangoes and bananas and add protein like milk or yogurt. For more nutrients consider green smoothies where you can select spinach, cucumber or avocado.
Another great option is mashed potatoes. It is advisable not to add gravy because you're not supposed to eat hot foods. Opt to add milk for the meal to be tasty. You can also choose to add bone broth instead of milk to the mashed potatoes. Watermelon and cantaloupe are also good at making chilled soup. To add more flavor add grapes and peeled apples. Apart from the listed food options there are still others you can try. Get recommendations from the best Dental Wellness Center.
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